
Will they or won't they!!

Just before I descended down stairs this morning a quick glance out the upstairs window told me rain! rain! rain!  For the first time in a while the cats were snuggled up on the settee with Oscar, my 15 year old Dacshund.
I had lots to do indoors today - so little, if any, time would be spent outdoors.  I always feel guilty if I don't manage to spend at least 30 minutes a day out in the garden.  I noticed that I forgot to put the lid down on the cold frame last night - oops!!  I hope my first attempts at keeping a cold frame hasn't been blown!
My job for the day was to cut off the seed heads from the Helenium and Monarda.  I'm collecting these for a 'virtual' friend who lives in Spain.  I'm not entirely sure they have dried out enough - this is another first for me - time will tell :)  They'll be popped in the post tonight.
As I've mentioned previously - there are still a couple of plants with buds yet to open.
The question is WILL THEY OR WON'T THEY?

Aemone hupehensis 'September Charm' 


Heptacodium Miconioides

Saxifraga fortuneii 'Black Ruby'

Primula 'Miss Indigo'

......We shall see!

I discovered this little dwarf Scabious columbaria 'Nana'  flowering again.  It was well hidden under the foliage of a day lily.

Scabious columbaria 'Nana'

Despite having a late attack of mildew this aster is sharing it's deep pink blooms.  The purple Asters are just beginning to open their flowers.

Aster novi belgii

Some of the shrubs have yet to start showing signs of Autumn, whilst others are well on their way and have lost the majority of their leaves.  A couple of pictures of of what's still looking great..... 

Cotinus coggygria 'Golden Spirit'
Red Autumn Colour

Acer palmatum 'Crimson Queen'
now looking 'Crimson'