
Buzzards? More like Bluzzards!

At the weekend I was busying myself taking some shots around the garden in the early evening light - just practicing really.  This shot of the Verbena bonariensis might have been a bit better had I not managed to capture the tops of the equipment in the kids playpark or the industrial building over the way!

As I pointed and shot my way around all of a sudden my attention was grabbed by this cat like squealing that was coming from the sky above.  What was that?  As I pointed my camera upwards - I zoomed in - although zooming in was a complete waste of time - the birds were just too fast for me! Out of around 30 shots only one of reasonable quality to aid with ID.

Buzzard minus it's head

After identifying it as our common buzzard (Buteo buteo) I've since found out that these are often called 'The Tourist Eagle'.  They are often seen by the sides of motorways perching on Pylons and posts and mistaken for our larger birds of prey.  I've also read that whilst their numbers are recovering from recent decline - they are still persecuted and die from poisoning.

This afternoon that now familiar call could be heard again.  There were around 5 or 6 of them.  Although I don't know for certain - I suspect it was the adults teaching the youngsters how to hunt.  By the time I got back out with the camera they were way off in the distance.  After a lot of toing and froing the youngsters disappeared completely and only the 2 adults were left, hovering and soaring above the trees.

These are unfortunately the best shots I could get

From the back step....please excuse the neighbours washing!

The family have agreed that there will be no need for me to enquire with the BBC for employment as a Wildlife Photographer.  It might be ever so easy to get shots of bees and beasties around the garden, providing they are either slow enough or happily gorging themselves on nectar but these beauties were another matter!

Weather permitting and provided they return, I'll scout about to see if I can get a better vantage point in the park.  Perhaps the kids slide might come in handy - provided I don't get my backside stuck that is!  If you don't see me around you know where I'll be!