
How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent
Book club was at my house this morning and we were underwhelmed with this book. Easy read, but odd structure. And the characters were confusing so it was hard to empathize with them. Next month, I'm leading the discussion on the book I suggested, "Good King Harry." I loved it, but it is different from the other books we read. I'm not sure everyone will be willing to slog through the bloody war scenes.

So my house appears clean. Only I know about the very tall stack of papers beside my bed and the magazines stacked next to it. Oh and the laundry room is piled high. Wish Mrs. Aardvaark was here to sort and wash those clothes. (Scroll down to the "Soundtrack" entry.) I sat on the couch during book club, looking east through the bay window. Sunshine was trying to stream through it but the window attracts spiders. I didn't have time to wash the windows when I was cleaning, so I swiped the duster across the outside windows. I was dismayed to see that my efforts resulted in smears. I decided to ignore it and enjoy my women friends and the discussion.

Why didn't I have time to clean? I recently accepted a freelance job requiring an intensive amount of work over four weeks. And I am going to Mom's next week for five days to help her with the final packing and move. Actually all five of her kids are helping plus one spouse. And grapes and more grapes and even more grapes will be delivered by my in-laws this weekend, so I have to work in some jelly/juice making before I leave.

So much for all those projects I was saving until Fall when I would have lots of time with the kids in school.