


At The Lake last Sunday, my sister handed me a present, tied with a pretty ribbon and a nice long handwritten note: The Limbaugh Letters. She's trying to convert me, ever since she read my post about not listening to him.

Before we tightened our belts, while I was still working, here are some of the pubs we got:

Canoe and Kayak


Fine Gardening

Garden Design





Green Prints-The Weeders Digest

Peg (my sister) gives me her back issues of Discover and Good News, and she gave me a gift subscription to Christianity Today. Friend Susan gives me her back issues of Smithsonian and National Geographic and friend Renee gives me back issues of Fortune. Does anyone want to share their gardening magazines with me?

To what magazines do you subscribe? This is an excellent way to quickly get to know someone and initiate conversations about their interests. When I was in sales (yes, reinsurance sales is on my dusty resume), this was one of my favorite questions to ask a prospect over dinner. What's in your magazine rack or beside your bed or by the toilet or piling up on any flat surface or all of the above?