
High School

High School

Yesterday was the first day of the first year of high school for the twins. How can that be? Where are my little boys? Who are these strange men-boys in my house?

Unlike some teens, the boys still talk to us about their day - who they met, first impressions of teachers, the pretty girl on the bus. ("She might be the ONE!") Mom, who came home for Aimee's wedding, spent the evening with us and I'm not sure what she made of all the teen chatter. Ricky asked her what my high school years were like. Luckily she refrained from telling any of my rebellious teen stories, which I'm sure he was hoping to hear. She seems only to remember the good times. I hope I'm the same with my boys.

A couple from church whose twin boys are raised sent us a note last spring: "Enjoy your boys. We are." I needed that encouragement because raising teens can be hard. It is easy to get caught up in their emotional turmoil and not enjoy them for just who they are at the moment.