
Flowers for All

Late Summer Bouquets

My niece called late last week and asked if I could provide flowers for 8-10 tables for her informal wedding celebration last Saturday in Indianapolis. I said yes and then gulped because my garden is in its late summer doldrums. So I did what younger sisters do - I called Peg for help. She has a beautiful garden, but was in the same situation. Summer blooms are spent and fall blooms aren't out yet. The rudbeckia looks nice but Aimee's colors were pink and blue and white.

So we bought Stargazer lilies to tie the outdoor bouquets into the indoor bouquets she had and also to anchor the outdoor bouquets with some bulk. Aimee provided blue-green quart ball jars with sand and shells in the bottom because they got married on the beach in the Virgin Islands. Peg and I picked what we had and were amazed at the variety and beauty of the blooms. Pink and white cosmos with its ferny foliage, white cleome, a stalky pure blue wildflower, and obedient plant came from my garden. Pink daisy-like mums, blue salvia spikes, small white allium flowers, and a few zinnias came from Peg's garden. Peg had dainty satin bows with long tails left from her daughter's wedding to finish the bouquets. The bouquets were beautiful.